Police protection is something many of us probably take for granted. But probably because we have never had a specific need to call the police. But when you call you want them there, and you want them there quick.
Such is the reasoning for the Atlanta Police Department to hold a series of community meetings to discuss redrawing the boundaries of the 6 patrol zones to ensure the fastest response times and to maximize police resources, according to Police Chief George Turner.
There will continue to be six patrol zones. Twelve additional “beats” will be added within those zones. A beat is a geographic area to which one patrolling officer is assigned per shift. There currently are 66 beats in the city of Atlanta.
The public meeting for Zone 5 which includes Midtown, Atlantic Station, Ansley Park, Sherwood Forest, Home Park and a portion of West Midtown) will be held March 30 at the Atlanta Civic Center‘s Piedmont Room, 395
Piedmont Ave. at 7:00 p.m.
Residents should make a point of attending this public meeting to learn more about this proposal, how it will impact Midtown Atlanta and voice your opinions.
Here is a map of the current Zone 5: