In a letter dated January 31, 2011, the Midtown Neighbors’ Association has expressed its concerns about the proposed interior and exterior renovations to a site in Midtown Atlanta by the Delta Community Credit Union (DCCU).

The letter, from Tony Rizzuto, Land Use Committee Chairman, states that the current site has a single drive-through window, but DCCU wants to expand the drive through service to multiple lanes. Rizzuto further states that the Midtown SPI-16 Zoning Ordinance specifically prohibits drive through service windows and drive-in facilities from being located east of Spring Street or along Storefront Streets.
The site is located just a block from the Midtown MARTA station and the DCCU’s SAP (Special Administrative Permit) is asking for two curb cuts on Cresent Avenue, and another on Peachtree Place to allow for the proposed vehicle traffic.
One of the great things that makes Midtown Atlanta what it is today, and will be in the future is the Midtown Blueprint. This well designed (for the most part) calls for specific types of design with an emphasis on promoting a livable, walkable and sustainable community. Such automobile-centric design proposals still show that the larger business community needs to look past the hood of the car and more to the tennis shoes on the street. Such a design is just fueling (sorry for THAT pun) Atlanta’s continued love affair with their automobiles, and less of a love of their shoes and the street.
Midtown currently ranks as the highest walkable community in the Atlanta area. Residents from both Historic Midtown as well as the numerous condominium communities enjoy the ability to walk from their homes to shopping, restaurants and markets, without the use of a car.
For those unfamiliar with the site, here is a map of the location. It will be interesting to see how this makes it through the City Hall planning process.