When showing Midtown Atlanta condos, it can often be an adjustment for the Buyer who may be coming from another city, or a single family home, but looking to experience the urban walk-ability of Midtown Atlanta. A one-bedroom can be as small as 600 sq. ft. and a two-bedroom ranges from just under 1,000 sq. ft. to around 1200 sq. ft. Now the 1200 sq. ft. condominium is certainly a comfortable amount of space to live in.
Your needs might be different. Lots of out-of-town guests plus need for a home office might cramp your style a bit. But how much space do you REALLY need?
Do you think, even if money was no object, you would need a house THIS big?
You can read more about America’s Versailles at Pricey Pads as well as a story about the troubled owners, David and Jackie Siegel.