The Holiday Season always seems to be the time of year we focus on thanking our clients and customers for making our year so successful. But it’s not so much we are thankful for making our year a success…but thankful that YOU entrusted us to help you with one of the biggest decisions in your life…buying or selling your home.
For THAT, we at Thomas Ramon Realty are grateful, indeed.
The Holiday Season is also when we gather with friends and or family. Maybe we saw each other last week, and maybe it was last year. Social media (love it or not) keeps us way more connected than we ever could have imagined. Remember, going to the mailbox and how excited you were when you got that letter from _____________(insert whomever!) I certainly do. But now, I see pictures and updates from friends that I’ve not seen face-to-face in years and it seems like I DID just “see” them.
How many of us are often consumed with our smart phone device? Is life passing us by? I guess it depends on how you use it right?
So, as you travel, be it near or far, to be with those family and friends, it is my sincere wish that you capture every moment you can. Enjoy the time with them, as you never know how long it may last, or when it will happen next.