Via – Midtown Atlanta Condos
Girl Scouts began taking cookie orders Saturday. Find Girl Scout Cookies Near You Here!
by Thom Abbott
Via – Midtown Atlanta Condos
Girl Scouts began taking cookie orders Saturday. Find Girl Scout Cookies Near You Here!
by Thom Abbott
Via – Midtown Atlanta Condos
Who would have guessed, 25 years later, that the little game about a boy, his sword and his efforts to save a princess would also save other boys and girls from depression and boredom as they, too, fight the biggest battle of their young lives?
by Thom Abbott
REALLY? Another year shot to
h-ll gone? Where DID this one go? It only further reminds me of the need to start back with a journal to keep track of what happened in my life in the past year!! But, until then, let’s get ready to P-A-R-T-Y!!!
Here are a few of your options for New Year’s Eve Celebrations in Atlanta Georgia!
This year’s event features:
– 5 party areas on 2 floors
– 5 bands
– 3 DJs
– 4 Comedians
– Open bar
– Dinner & breakfast
This New Year’s Eve party will also feature performances by Ed Kowalczyk of LIVE, Naughty by Nature, Blind Crush, Unzipt & Band to Band Combat Winner Death is Dialogue. Come party with Hyatt Regency Atlanta and experience Atlanta’s largest hotel New Year’s Eve balloon drop.
Saturday, December 31st, 8:30PM – 2AM
General Admission only $119
VIP only $175
Post Bowl only $75 (Good for admission after 11PM)
For more information, visit
This 16-hour event begins at 11:00am with various children’s activities and entertainment. Festivities will continue well into the morning with a variety of live performances, followed by the decent of the 800 pound Peach and a spectacular firework display.
The infamous band, Kansas will headline the 23rd Annual Event perform at 11:15pm, just one of several groups that will perform at this very popular New Years Eve Celebration in Atlanta.
It would be best to avoid the traffic and street closures by taking MARTA. Exit either at the Five Points Station OR Peachtree Center Station. MARTA will have extended service and additional trains running. Last trains will depart Five Points Station in all directions at 2 a.m.
For More Information and a complete list of activities and details, visit Peach Drop, The Largest New Year’s Eve Celebration in the Southeast.
Of course, any and every bar and/or restaurant you can think of in Atlanta will be having some form of celebration. If you are up for the crowds, then this is your night to hit the street.
Please drink and drive responsibily. If you can designate a driver, all the better. But remember the other car may not have done that, so be extra attentive while driving and attending your New Year’s Eve Celebration in Atlanta!
by Thom Abbott
Ok, when I first saw this alert this morning for the Georgia Tech College of Computing 2011 Holiday Gift Guide, I thought….HOLY COW!!! I can imagine the totally awesome stuff these geek students are going to offer up. Of course, they will most likely be “super gifts” that are outside my gifting budget.
Well, I was kinda right. In fact, they are not gifts you can purchase at all. But instead, the Georgia Tech College of Computing 2011 Holiday Gift Guide is actually a unique spin on the traditional holiday gift guide, showcasing some of the year’s biggest research stories from the College.
“They sometimes bristle at being called ‘elves,’ but we’ve got a College full of faculty and students who’ve been working very hard on these projects all year,” said Zvi Galil, John P. Imlay Jr. Dean of Computing. “We are, obviously, having a bit of fun in showcasing our research like this, but there’s also a serious point. Part of our mission is to help improve the world through education and research, and the projects in this Gift Guide can legitimately be counted among our efforts to give back to society—indeed, some are explicitly intended as computational ways to serve the social good.” (See the rest of the article here.)
Take a look at the Georgia Tech College of Computing 2011 Holiday Gift Guide Here
by Thom Abbott
That’s right kids. It’s time to make our list and check it twice. No, not for who’s been naughty or nice?
Where is your business in 2012 going to come from? Do you need some new opportunities? New people? New connections? Perhaps you are looking for a job?
Maybe you need to do some Networking! Not the door to door knocking type, but getting out to some business events and meeting other business people that you might be able to refer business to, and in turn, they refer potential clients or job leads back to you! Now there’s a novel idea, eh?
But, as you head out the door to your next networking event, perhaps you should have a plan. What do you really want to accomplish, and how are you going to go about it?
Another good idea is to meet and/or know the organizer of the event. Try to meet them before or after the event and thank them for putting it together. This can put you on the top of the list for other events, maybe even a VIP event that you might not otherwise be invited to!
If you attend an event on a regular basis, it’s just natural to hang with the people you know…..NOT! Now, you and that other person can team up to meet other people, but don’t just hang with the people you know. Remember, our goal is to make new contacts! Make sure if you see someone that is new, make them feel welcome. Go one step further and invite a new person that you think could benefit from the event.
Where to Network?
Well, if you ask most real estate agents/brokers, they will tell you everywhere! And to some extent, that is true. Whether you are having your oil changed in your car, picking up your dry cleaning or visiting the vet with your dog, there is always an opportunity to meet someone!
One place you might look, is Networking For Professsionals (NFP). I use to host one of their local events here in Atlanta, and even wrote a blog about it the beginning of this year. NFP is truly what it says….networking. Not a bunch of guys or girls looking for a date (ah, come on, you all know you have been to those types of events before) but professionals looking to network. Be sure to check out their website, they host events in various cities around the country!
As you put your plans together for ’12, make sure networking is a part of them. You always need to be expanding your network!
by Thom Abbott
When I am contacted by potential Buyers or renters looking to live in Midtown Atlanta or other Intown Atlanta neighborhoods, I’m often asked, “Is it a walkable area?” Well, exactly What Makes a Community Walkable?
While various factors come into play, here are some key points about walkability and how it makes a neighborhood better, safer and improves the quality of life:
In a walkable community, your car is parked more and driven less. Fewer car trips mean a lower monthly fuel cost.
By living in a neighborhood that is walkable, you tend to get more exercise and be in better health. The air can be cleaner too. So that trip to the pasta restaurant is no so bad, because you burn some of it off on the walk back home!
One-fourth of all car trips are less than one mile. (I’d say it’s probably MUCH higher in the Atlanta area) If you have sidewalks, safe street/road crossings and accessible services like shopping, markets and such, you can leave you car and wak to do these activities.
A neighborhood that has more street/foot traffic means there are more eyes on the street. People watch out for each other and have more of a tendency to know their neighbors. Even if you live in a high-rise condominium building, by walking in and out of your building and up and down the streets, you start to see people that live in your building or neighboring buildings.
A great website to help you learn about the walkability of a neighborhood is This site, gives Midtown Atlanta a score of 75 out of 100, making it a very walkable community.
While living in an Intown Atlanta neighborhood can reduce your driving, many of the older neighborhoods are walkable from the sense of walking your neighborhood, but needed services like shopping and markets require a car. Midtown Atlanta offers many of the services it residents need and as more retail opens in the coming years, it will be even more walkable that it already is.
For More Information on how we can best serve your InTown Atlanta Real Estate needs, please fill out the online contact form or call us at 770.713.1505.
We specialize in InTown Atlanta Real Estate single family homes and condomiums. If you are planning to Buy InTown Atlanta real estate, let us help you explore all the possibilities available to you and help you find just the right home you will LOVE!
Please use the following links to Search for Homes by Intown Atlanta Neighborhoods or Zip codes!
Are you looking for a specific Intown Atlanta neighborhood to focus on? Contact Thomas Ramon Realty and we can set up a search for any specific neighborhood you are looking for!
Thom Abbott
Associate Broker, REALTOR(R)
905 Juniper Street, NE Suite 110
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
770.713.1505 Direct
404.876.4901 Office