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We’re now in Livingston, Montana, staying at Nelson’s Spring Creek Cattle Ranch, which is a working cattle ranch AND a fly-fishing lodge! They are a fully functional cattle ranch with a thriving fly-fishing lodging business.
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NOTE: If you happen to follow me on Facebook, you’ll know that I was born and raised on a ranch in Montana, about 3 miles from THIS one! I went to school with the son that now owns the ranch. I think some of the pictures almost look like there is a smoke haze in the air from the fires. I’ve posted about them on my FacebookPage.

As you can see, there really IS a reason they call it the Big Sky Country! If you ever want a totally different kind of vacation, fly into Bozeman (you can actually now fly NON-STOP from Atlanta to BZN) rent a car and drive South from Bozeman through the Gallatin Canyon, stop at Big Sky Montana (the Vail of Montana) then continue on to West Yellowstone and into Yellowstone National Park. Tour the park, with a Southern exit/detour to see the Grand Teton National Park and Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
Come back to Yellowstone, complete the circle and exit out the Northern entrance at Gardiner and head North through Paradise Valley (where Nelson Spring Creek Ranch is located) and into Livingston. Then West back to Bozeman. I promise, you’ll have hundreds of pictures and just as many memories!