So, you’re considering purchasing a short sale condo in 30308 Atlanta, GA? Keep in mind, a short sale is not an indication of how quickly you will be able to buy a property, but it where the owner of the property owes more than the condo is worth, and is asking the lender to let them sell it and the bank write off the balance of the loan.
Short Sale Condos in 30308 Atlanta GA
The 30308 Zip code covers Midtown Atlanta. A search as of today (May 19, 2012) brings up just 8 short sale listings! Really? Well, this is probably not correct. When a real estate agent enters a listing into the MLS, many fields on the listing are optional fields for us to fill out. One of those optional fields is called “special circumstances.” In fact, here is all the different special circumstances I have to choose from when entering a listing:
- Agent Related to Seller
- Active Adult Community
- Cert. Prof. Home Bldr
- Corporate Owner
- Estate Owned
- Fixer Upper
- Foreclosure
- Government Owned
- Historical
- HUD Listing (see remarks)
- Investor Owned
- Lease Purchase
- Live/Work
- Lender Owned
- No disclosures from Seller
- None
- Other
- Owner Will Consider Exchange
- Owner Transferred
- Owner/Agent
- Potential Short Sale
- Recently Renovated,
- Short Sale Pre-Approved
- Sold As/Is
As you can see, there are lots of choices…and probably two of the worst are “other” and “none.” So, when asked to search specifically for a short sale by a Buyer such as yourself, it’s a bit more involved than that! I can’t simply enter short sale and search….as the condo we might want to make a offer on will not show up!
How Do I Search for Short Sale Condos in 30308 Atlanta GA
Well, the easiest way……let me do all the work! What I will do is discuss with you exactly what you are looking for in a Midtown Atlanta condo. Once I know the features and amenities you are looking for, I’ll do an overall search of ALL THE CONDOS listed in 30308. From there, I can look at prices as well as “private remarks” that may indicate to me the listing is in fact a short sale. But, I’ll also be looking for right prices properties that are NOT short sale and may also be foreclosures. Just by searching on, or any website does not mean you will be able to find the home you are looking for.
Let’s go back to the list above. Some agents will list foreclosures as “Corporate Owner.” So again, if we search JUST for foreclosures, we might miss an opportunity.
The best way to find Short Sale Condos in 30308 Atlanta GA is to let us do the work for you!
 For More Information on how we can best serve your InTown Atlanta Real Estate needs, please fill out the online contact form or call us at 770.713.1505.
We specialize in InTown Atlanta Real Estate single family homes and condomiums. If you are planning to Buy InTown Atlanta real estate, let us help you explore all the possibilities available to you and help you find just the right home you will LOVE!
Need to SELL your Intown Atlanta Real Estate and look for new digs? We’d be happy to talk to you about the market, marketing your home or condo and having you sing the Pending Sales Song! Let us know how we can help you!
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