Don’t Stop Believing…..It WILL Get Better.
I’m a relative “newbie” when it comes to real estate. I’ve had my license for 6 years now. I know there are many of you that have been selling for 3 or 4 times that long. And you’ve seen times like this. Or as I have heard the statement many times before, “We still sold houses when the interest rates were 12 and 15 percent.”
So, the challenges of today are somewhat new to me. The last time we had economic challenges, I was firmly seated in a Corporate job, knowing my immediate boss would defend my position (job) at all costs, so I was not to worried. I didn’t have lots of money mind you, but I seemed to be able to hit may favorite local watering hole (a.k.a. club) 3-4 nights a week, the beach on the weekends when I was not working, and had a pretty hot new car! (Let’s see, I miss….ALL those things. Ah, but the past is the past, right?
Well, yes and no. If we were not to learn from our past, why would they teach us history in school? So we can understand where we were, where we are now, and perhaps, where we will be going……enter crystal ball. Oh, wait, I dropped that darn thing cleaning out the basement a few years ago…
Anyways, life is kinda of a struggle right now. I work way more hours than I did in my corporate job (and I never thought THAT could be possible.) Mind you, they are MY hours in MY business for MY gain! Not some corporate giant! But, some days I think, UGH, how much longer must all this craziness last?
I showed a couple condos a couple weeks ago, one of them being a foreclosure. (Imagine that!) And to walk in and find the kitchen sink gone gave new meaning to that old saying “Everything but the kitchen sink.” Remember that one?
But, I know that things will be bumpy for a bit longer. It’s like that airplane flight where the captain comes on and says, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we’ve tried several different altitudes, but it looks like we going to be in this for awhile, so I’m going to keep the Fasten Seat Belt Sign on and ask you to remain in your seats. At this time we are also asking the flight crew to stop cabin service. Thank you.” Ah…wait, my row is next…Please….Please…..(You know with new security you can’t slip your OWN on anymore!)
Anyways, I thought this video would help all of us to remember, Don’t Stop Believing.