One of the strong points of any neighborhood is the actual people that live there. And when they work together, for whatever reason, things can get done. One such thing is the concept of community policing.
If You SEE Something, SAY Something is an Atlanta Police Department initative that is targeted at citizens and employees of the City of Atlanta to be the eyes and ears of the APD. The more involved the citizens are in their own community, the less likely a crime will go unnoticed. The idea behind If You SEE Something, SAY Something is making criminals feel THEY are not safe in a neighborhood.
You should never put yourself in danger, but the idea is to teach everyone to be a good witness and report in detail as much as you possibily can. Just take note of:
- What drew your attention to the activity?
- Who did you see?
- What were they wearing?
- What was their location?
- How were they involved?
Basically, the Who, What, When, Where and How of the incident.
If you see something suspicious, report it. Let the APD determine if it’s a problem. They would rather be called by a concerned citizen and it turn out to be nothing versus ignore what you see and it turns into a crime. If You SEE Something, SAY Something.
The program is for all city empolyees and citizens while they are at work or at home. Being observant of your surroundings at all times is just good personal safety, no matter where you are.
Midtown Atlanta is covered by Zone 5 of the APD, as well as two additional private security forces, Midtown Blue and the Midtown Ponce Security Alliance (MPSA). Additionally, MARTA has its own police force. You can reach each of them at the following numbers:
- APD Zone 5 — 404/658-7054/7830 as well as dialing 911
- Midtown Blue — 404/817-0500
- MPSA — They only offer their patrol hotline to paid members, but you can report activity to
- MARTA Police — 404/848-4911
Take a moment, and program these numbers into your cell phone. Don’t live in Midtown Atlanta, but visit the area often? Be an alert citizen and have these numbers available.
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