Midtown Ponce Security Alliance (MPSA) has started a Twitter account @MidtownAlert for neighbors and the organization to quickly communicate information about neighborhood issues that might pose a security risk to the residents of Historic Midtown. This new service helps residents immediately send out info about a situation without waiting for the MPSA patrol officer to arrive and assess the situation.
Midtown Ponce Security Alliance
If you are a resident of Historic Midtown, this service might be just what you need to report that hit and run drive that hit a parked car, or some other situation.
Keep in mind that MPSA services ONLY the portion of Midtown Atlanta where most of the single family homes are. The map at the right shows their patrol area.
The MPSA Patrol serves as the primary strategy in reducing crime and undesirable activity in the neighborhood. The MPSA Patrol was launched in 2003 to stabilize the neighborhood from the effects of increasing criminal and undesirable activity on our streets. Surrounding areas all had patrols, thereby creating a drainage effect on what later became the MPSA service area.
Let’s hope that the recent Twitter stream on the MPSA account is an indication that crime has reduced! If you are not following @MidtownAlert, now would be a good time to do so.