As Midtown Atlanta grows, and grows….and grows, it’s a simple fact that not everyone that works in Midtown will LIVE in Midtown. (Sad, but true!) And getting around on the streets is a big factor. Enter the 15th Street Extension.
This gap in the Midtown Street grid from West Peachtree Street to Williams Street might not seem like a big deal..but with all the development happening now along West Peachtree Street, this is a street that is needed!
15th Street Extension
This map does not show the new AMLI Midtown apartment building that is about to open on the parking lot with all the cars in it. (See the star) Overall, this extension will be MOST helpful to many residents and Midtown workers alike to get to Williams Street, an one-way Northbound that helps commuters gain access to I-75 North.
The project will include new traffic signals, sidewalks, streetscaping and bike lanes. You can see the Arts Center MARTA station in the upper right. Also, long, long term plans call for another bridge across the Downtown Connector, with 15th Street adding additional connectivity to West Midtown.
Nothing happens quickly with road construction however. According to Kevin Green, Midtown Alliance President and CEO, the environmental studies for the project could take two years, followed by 12-18 months of construction. That sounds about like 2021, right? Sigh.
While we try to keep up with all that is Midtown Atlanta…and there is plenty happening these days….you might want to check out the Midtown Alliance website for LOTS of things that are Midtown Atlanta!